Comprehensive mental health evaluations
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Outpatient Counseling
What is counseling? There are many interpretations of the process of counseling. Does counseling mean that the therapist will be able to provide you with all the answers to your problems? No. Therapists guide you through the process of exploring and discovering areas in your own life that will promote your growth and development as a person. Is counseling a quick fix for your problems? No. Counseling is a process and needs time in an effort to be effective. Some individuals require short – term counseling, while others require long-term counseling.
Individual counseling focuses on the individual and how their issues effect their ability to live their life. There are a variety of issues that we can assist you with through individual counseling, such as mental health disorders (i.e. Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, PTSD, etc.), self-esteem, grief, trauma (physical/verbal/mental/sexual abuse), rape, and many others.
Couple’s counseling focuses on the couple and how both individuals relate to each other. The purpose of couple’s counseling is to build strong and healthy relationships. Couple’s counseling addresses a number of issues from the beginning to the end of a relationship. Couple’s counseling will focus on the following: communication issues, intimacy issues, pre-marital counseling, separation, divorce, and many others.
Family counseling focuses on the family and how their interactions impact their ability to function as a family unit. The purpose of family therapy is to promote togetherness. Family therapy addresses parenting issues, lack of a structure/routine in the home, negative interactions between family members, and many others.
Telethealth therapy is a form of counseling conducted on an online format for individuals who reside in remote areas, individuals whose work hours are not conducive to the standard work day of a private practice, or during the time of a crisis. Regardless of your situation, no one should have a barrier to receiving counseling services. For telehealth therapy, a hipaa compliant software is utilized to ensure that all sessions maintain the integrity and confidentiality of all individuals.
Diagnostic Assessments
Licensed mental health professionals (LMHP’s) conduct diagnostic assessments for community mental health agencies that provide intensive home-based services, therapeutic day treatment services, and mental health skill-building services. We work with the community mental health agencies in regards to their needs. The diagnostic assessments can be conducted in a number of ways.
The LMHP’s can conduct the diagnostic assessments in the home of the client, H.O.P.E’s office, or at the office of the community mental health agency. There a number of options to this service. We can conduct the diagnostic assessments only. We can also conduct the diagnostic assessment, as well as the service request authorizations (SRA’s). We can conduct the diagnostic assessment, as well as the entire intake packet for the community mental health agency.
- Intensive home-based services;
- Therapeutic day treatment services;
- Mental health skill-building services.
Comprehensive Mental Health Evaluations
Comprehensive mental health evaluations are more detailed, provide a mental health diagnosis (if applicable), and provide specific recommendations for the client. Comprehensive mental health evaluations are usually requested by the courts, attorneys, or schools. Our licensed mental health professionals (LMHPs) are experienced in this area and will provide a detailed report for the referral source.
Comprehensive mental health evaluations can be conducted for the following:
- Individuals in the community
- Institutions:
- Court, Lawyers, Schools, Etc.
Clinical Supervision
There are two different types of supervision. Our licensed mental health professionals (LMHPs) can provide clinical supervision (individual and group) to the staff of community mental health agencies. We also offer clinical supervision to counselors that are in the process of trying to become licensed in the state of Virginia.
The purpose of clinical supervision is to educate and enhance the skills of counselors in the community. We are dedicated to developing quality counselors to provide quality services in the community.
Consultation services are geared more towards community mental health agencies and other institutions. If you are a new agency or a veteran agency that requires a refresher in the changes of Medicaid in regards to community – based services (i.e. intensive home-based services, therapeutic day treatment, and mental health skill-building services), we can assist you in this area. Some of the consultation services we offer are: creation and development of forms for documentation purposes, writing service request authorizations (SRA’s), completing audits to determine whether or not your agency is in compliance, and many others.
- Reviewing of agency forms
- Creation of agency forms
- Writing Services Request Applications (SRA’s)
- Auditing of charts; etc.
As counselors, we are always seeking additional training to enhance our skills. If your agency would like to provide their staff with training, let us know. If you provide us with a topic, we will conduct the research and conduct the training for your staff. Trainings can be on a variety of topics, such as mental health diagnoses, clinical documentation, trauma, grief, staff safety and awareness, and many more.
- Clinical Documentation
- Mental Health Disorders
- A variety of other topics